Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Apps coming to Android Market in 2009

There are so many exciting possibilities when it comes to the Open Handset Alliance, and we are slowly starting to see things come together. Google executive Eric Chu is telling registered Android Market members via email that the rollout of paid apps is still coming in Q1 of next year. It is reported to occur in stages, starting with the U.S. and the U.K. Followed by Germany, Austria and the Netherlands for phase two. Phase three consists of France, Italy and Spain, with more countries to be announced by the end of Q1 2009.

Sounds like the Market website will be getting a makeover mid-January that will allow developers to target specific countries for their apps. We have a feeling developers have been withholding the good applications until they can get some money for their hard work (and rightfully so, might we add.) We expect some really cool stuff to be out for the Android devices in 2009!

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